What is Ephedra Vulgaris 6X in SnoreStop?
The whole controversy around Ephedra has to do with the herbal Ephedra not the Homeopathic. It is important to mention a few things to help you differentiate between Homeopathy and herbs. The difference is that the herbal Ephedra has measurable amounts of ephedrine the active alkaloid that the media has been reporting on. Herbal products, like nutraceuticals, vitamins, or supplements are not regulated by the FDA.
The Homeopathic Ephedra Vulgaris 6X means that there is only a minute amount, precisely 0.042 micrograms of Ephedra (1 ng/ml) in each tablet and spray with no measurable amount of the active alkaloid ephedrine. It would take a substantial amount of SnoreStop sprays (around 83 million bottles) or tablets (around 50 million boxes) to extract and purify the equivalent of 1.0 gram of ephedrine. These facts have been verified through an Independent Lab.
The Ephedra Vulgaris 6X ingredient in SnoreStop is formulated to help relieve congestion which aids in opening your airway(s).
It is also important to understand that the ingredients in SnoreStop formulas are manufactured in a FDA approved OTC laboratory that would never release something that would not comply with the FDA guidelines.
Another point worth mentioning that should give a level of comfort is that a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled independent medical study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Sleep and Breathing 1999;3:53-56 reported no side effects were experienced by the participants.
The manufacturing, labeling and marketing of our Homeopathic medicines are regulated by the FDA though the FDA Compliance Policy Guide of 1988.
The HPUS (The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of The US) has recognized about 1,250 substances for use as homeopathic medicines, and lists Ephedra Vulgaris 6X as one of them.
SnoreStop is recognized as an official OTC homeopathic drug as defined under Federal Law in the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1988.Sect 201 (g) (1)
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