Has your partner suffered from sleepless nights because of your snoring? Has she/he given up and booted you to the couch?
Researchers estimate there are between 35 million and 40 million snorers in the United States, which probably means almost as many bleary-eyed companions.
For some of us, snoring is a mild habit, but for others, it’s a disruptive racket that has serious effects on health and well-being.
The familiar sounds of snoring originate from vibrations in the tissues of the throat, especially the soft palate and uvula, which flap back and forth as we breathe during sleep. Snoring can be caused or aggravated by any condition that narrows throat passages, disturbing the air flow.
A congested nose due to allergies, polyps, sinus infections, swelling response to a cold or flu, deviation of the nasal septum, or alterations in the size or shape of the throat structures can cause snoring. Examples include enlarged tonsils, a long uvula, a swollen tongue, and excessive tissue in the folds or edges of the soft palate.
Although estimates vary, snoring is approximately 10 times more common among men, partly because men have a greater tendency to build up bulky throat tissue, which gets softer and more relaxed as they age. Men usually deposit fat around their shoulders, necks and abdomens because of the male hormone androgen, which stimulates appetite, weight gain and salt retention—all of which can aggravate snoring conditions. People who snore are at greater risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes. Recent studies link snoring to Alzheimer’s Disease and Erectile Dysfunction. Overweight people tend to snore more than slim people.
Snoring, however, is not confined to the overweight, a fit athletic man or woman may also be afflicted.
Major causes for snoring:
- Weight gain
- Fatigue/Stress
- Abuse of Sedative
- Abuse of Alcohol
- Allergies
- Smoking
- Chronic Cold Symptoms
A specialist can check to see if your snoring partner has a deviated septum, specific allergies, or enlarged adenoids that may attribute to that loud snore keeping you up at night. In order to stop the snore you have to determine what the cause is first. SnoreStop Starter Kit helps you determine where your snoring occurs and which product can help stop it.